Needs and Wants

I’ve been tagged for a meme by Marj at Survivors Can Thrive. I think this is my first one, so be gentle with me.

Rules of the “Survivor Needs” Meme:

Please link back to the originating meme at Survivors Can Thrive, so people can see its origins, get ideas for their own self-care list, see who’s already been tagged, and maybe we can track how far this meme goes.

  • List 25 needs and 5 wants. Try to restrict your needs list to things that have to do with being a survivor of some sort of abuse, assault, etc. Your list can be anything…you want!
  • Use this list to remind yourself to get your needs met this holiday season and in the New Year.
  • Pass on this meme and tag five people to play this meme with you.
  1. I need food.
  2. I need shelter.
  3. I need clothing.
  4. I need water.
  5. I need sleep.
  6. I need my friends.
  7. I need understanding.
  8. I need help with some things.
  9. I need to give myself a break.
  10. I need to have fun.
  11. I need alone time.
  12. I need to learn how to trust.
  13. I need to learn how to say “no”.
  14. I need for my story to be heard.
  15. I need to stay in the present.
  16. I need to give myself credit when credit is due.
  17. I need love.
  18. I need to communicate with others when I’m struggling.
  19. I need to lose weight.
  20. I need to continue moving forward.
  21. I need to be gentle with myself.
  22. I need to learn to feel my emotions.
  23. I need to be courageous.
  24. I need to learn to accept affection from others.
  25. I need to educate others about the impacts of abuse.
  1. I want to cut. (Not that I’ll do it.)
  2. I want chocolate.
  3. I want my family to acknowledge the harm they did.
  4. I want a pet.
  5. I want my past to go away.

So now comes the part where I tag five people.  This is not mandatory.  Please feel free to ignore me if you’d like.  But it is insightful.  Maybe I’ll blog about that in a few days once I get my thoughts and feelings sorted out.  So here goes. 


8 thoughts on “Needs and Wants

  1. thememoryartist says:

    Hi katm,
    I’m glad you decided to participate. This is a great list. Was it difficult to do?

  2. I need to give myself a break <—- this one here gives me so much trouble.

    I plan to have this up tomorrow okay.


  3. Thanks for tagging me for this one Kathryn. It was difficult but it made me think about a few things that I guess needed thinking about…

    Hope you’re holding up well,

    Best wishes for the new year!

    tasha x

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